I had a totally different blog post already drafted for tonight. I had worked on it when I got home from work and was feeling pretty good about it.
We stopped to have some dinner. I whipped up some fajitas and spent some quality time with Captain Kid. After we settled for a while we decided we needed to get ourselves out side and get our trikke on.

My husband mastered this thing the very first night and if I wasn't madly in love with him I would absolute hate him for his athletic prowess. (Note to self: athletic prowess is not cultivated by sitting behind your laptop writing.) Instead I just envy him his innate ability to take on any new athletic challenge and master it quickly.
But that is all behind me now. Tonight. (Deep breathe.) Tonight I found the sweet spot. Not only did I find it, I mastered it. I mastered it AND I mastered it well. I finally learned what everyone meant when they said "trust the lean".
But what I really learned tonight was through all the frustration as long as I kept trikkeing it would eventually happen. And guess what? It did. My self awareness morphed like this, when it comes to my writing, as long as I just keep writing, eventually it will happen. So that is what I am going to do and one day soon I hope you get to read the post when I can proclaim I am now the wizard of the words. I might as well dream big. Right?
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. @MISSISSIPPI2020 is fast approaching his 1000 miles traveled in a personal Millinium. No marching bands will be present, just one tired TRIKKER who will have covered a thousand miles and joined other kindred spirits (such as your hubby LOL) who have mastered the beast. I wish you luck and hope that you have a few miles under your belt by now. TRIKKE on and God speed!
Twitter: @MISSISSIPPI2020
Hey I am so trying. I have pushed myself past the point of no return on many occasions. We have not started to keep track of the miles we have logged in but that is a great idea and one I will institute immediately.
Thanks for the post.
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