I have only recently started this blog. I got the idea after a friend recommended getting on twitter as a way of meeting other writers. She suggested I could expand my writing circle. Little did I know of the truth she spoke.
I have mentioned some of the great ladies who I have connected with on my previous blog
The first step is admitting you have a problem
! And I would recommend following any of them.But moving on, since I committed myself to twittering I have increased the amount of words I am writing per day. I was motivated by one of the blogs that I read that recommended setting word goals. I apologize in advance for not remembering who wrote it. That was before I was taking notes of the blogs I was reading, in order to give proper credit if I mentioned them later. Now I know better.
But again I am getting off subject. I had not even thought of blogging until my twitter debut a couple of weeks ago, but after paying attention to some of the tweets that were coming at me I noticed a common theme. These ladies all had blogs. I started reading them and really enjoying the content, then it occurred to me that I was passing up the opportunity to find my own voice in the world of blogging.
So I spent a whole weekend researching, which is not unusual to writers (I am even calling myself a writer now. How cool is that?). I had to find the correct platform. Than I had to figure out what I wanted to call it. Honestly that didn't take all that long and I have no idea if that is good or bad.
Of course I think most writers want to get published and I am no different, but, in all honestly I have not finished even one WIP. I have started, stopped and started new projects without seeing anything to the end. Maybe that is bad too. But, I keep writing and at the end of the day isn't that the whole point.
But the main thing I have learned since I started blogging is it has helped me keep on writing. I have a 5000 word a week goal. Okay, so that's not a lot, but the fact that I had gone from a free for all attitude when it comes to writing to a set standard per week is pretty amazing. At least I like to think so.
If nothing else blogging has made me more aware of the process and for that I thank you. Oh and I thank @PattyBlount for inspiring me to write everyday.
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