To all my faithful readers:
I have failed you today. (My head is hanging low.)
No, really. I have FAILED you.
I normally get my blog posts written the night before.
This post should have been written last night.
Was it?
Heck no.
In fact if you notice I am desperately trying to make these one sentence paragraphs stretch out so it looks as if I really do have something to say when what I really have is...that's right, nothing.
When it comes to my WIP I don't run out of things to write about. They aren't all good things and I know no one is going to read it, so maybe that makes it easier. Wow, I think I just had an epiphany. Nah, just really trying to take up more space here today.
Blogging, on the other hand is a much harder beast to tame. I think I am on a roll and do some good stuff and then my brain just takes a vacation. I will visit other blogs to see what they are saying in the hopes that something sparks. Anything sparks. But last night I got nothing.

In closing I hope you all have a great weekend and that while I did take up your time if you stopped by to read this dismal post, I promise to get better by Monday. Okay, I promise to try to get better by Monday. No, no, I promise to get better by Monday. What? It's not like you guys can do anything if I don't. Right?
Divine inspiration seems strangely absent around here most of the time.
I guess part of the problem is the dunce's cap slipping over my eyes all the time!
Did you perchance notice, while you were visiting my reality, that I had nothing on Friday, too? In fact, last week was pretty much a bust for me.
Know why? I was (you guessed it!) recharging my creative batteries! Feel free to use that one when ever you need it. It's on the house. ;)
And thanks for the blug! :)
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