
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Men...they say the funniest things

It's been a while since I posted.  

I know.  I am ashamed.  (Not really, but for the five of you that visit my blog daily I apologize.)

But yesterday at dinner the hubs said something so funny to me I knew I needed to sit down and tell you all about it.

Recently a co-worker of his just returned from vacation.  Yesterday.  He returned yesterday.  He and his wife took a whirlwind tour of Ireland via their multiple bread and breakfasts.

When the Captain mentioned that his friend had returned I asked quite excitedly how they enjoyed their  trip.  

So just stop and ask yourself this.  If you had just returned from a trip to Ireland what would you be talking about?  Me, I would probably talk about how green it is.  How beautiful.  How unspoiled.  Stonehenge.  The pubs.  The craggy cliffs.  The leprechauns.  The fairies.  The hot guys with those delicious accents.  

Lots of stuff to speak about. 

So imagine my surprise when our conversation when something like this."

Hubs:  "Co-worker's just returned from vacation today."

Me.  "Did they enjoy it?"

Hubs:  "Yeah, but there was one thing that was kind of a downer."

Me:  Really interested.  "Really, what?"

Hubs:  "They had to pay to watch TV!"  He was indignant.

I sat there totally thrown for a loop.  TV?  Really?  That was the bummer?  

Me:  "Who goes to Ireland to watch TV?"

Hubs:  Blank stare.

Me:  "Seriously, he was in Ireland.  IRELAND!"

Hubs:  "It's a guy thing."

Me:  "Obviously."

These are the kinds of conversations we have.  It's a good thing I love this man.  

Yes, really.  

P.S. We are never, ever, ever, ever, going to Ireland to watch TV.  He was a little disappointed.

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