
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

That's what friends are for...

I've started a new tradition.

I like tradition.  I'm a big fan.  Every year at Thanksgiving we fry our turkey.  And at Christmas time I put up four trees and no that is not excessive.  When the Captain has a birthday he gets to wear a crown.  Come on, I have to let him be king for at least a day.  For my birthday every year the Captain treats me to a wonderful lunch at my favorite restaurant.  

See, tradition.  I like them.  So now lets talk about my new one.

From now on; instead of buying gifts for my girlfriends when their birthdays roll around I'm doing something out of the ordinary.  I'm buying a gift for myself.

Blows. Your. Mind.  Right?

I know what your thinking.  This could be a new trend and I always wanted to be a trend-setter. 

At the end of July Muffy had a birthday.  She turned 27.  Again.  I wrote about it here.

Since I posted I received the shoes and here is what they look like on. 

Pretty smokin' hot don'tcha think?  Yeah, they kill but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do for this look.
Well yesterday; another friend had a birthday.  Angie...I  think she turned 30.  Again.

So in honor of her birthday I decided to celebrate with another pair of shoes for myself. See, tradition.  I'm loving this new idea. 

Here is what they look like.  

Yeah, I like these too.  So Happy Birthday Angie.  Hope it was a good one and just know that every time I wear these...well I'll just be looking hot, hot, hot.

And I just love that. 


  1. LOL! I love it. Can't wait to see what you get yourself for my b-day next February.

  2. viva la tradition!

    shoes this cute don't come around in january (my birth month) so i can't wait to see what you buy then. :)

  3. January and February...I am already thinking. I want a pair of pink Uggs so that could be my January purchase (I would never buy them just to buy them. I need a reason) (yeah that was total BS...I would totally buy them just to buy them but I am glad I can use you as my excuse instead.) And there was this pair of riding boots I had my eye on. I love having girlfriends with birthdays in every month. My shoe collection is sure to grow in no time. But hey, lets just keep that between us girls.

  4. Va va va voom!!!
    Those are fab. Sadly, if I wore them though, I'd fall on my muffin top. But then, I'd probably bounce and it would all be good. Hmm....Maybe I should get a pair for my....27th bday!!!
