
Monday, July 18, 2011

More Cloudy Days

The week after July 4th we took some time off.  Vacation was lovely, and necessary.  Before I took the time off I was cruising the blogs and stumbled across one of my favorites.  Lenny's World.  He did a post on clouds which if you are so inclined you can find here.

Lenny is one of my favorite bloggers because of his shiny personality and upbeat take on life.  

In his post he talked about how clouds can inspire us.  Sometimes revealing themselves in ways that constantly surprise.  

I found myself intrigued.  And then I found myself wondering when the last time I had stopped to look up and check out the clouds.  It had been awhile.  So, me being me, I decided to accept Mr. Lenny Lee's challenge and spend some time chasing clouds on my vacation.

Let me tell you it was definitely the week for it.  We had perfect weather and even better...perfect cloud formations.

Here are a couple that caught my attention.  
We took a day to go have lunch and we did it via our boat.  The Captain told me we could go to one of my favorite restaurants for fish sandwiches.  The first pic here looked like a wolf to me and reminded me of when I was a child and got lost in The Call of the Wild, one of my favorite stories from when I was a child.  Do you see it?  

As we made our way back from lunch and moved through Perdido Key I watched as the cloud formation changed as the wind kicked up.  As we rounded back toward the bay the cloud changed and this was what it looked like.

This reminds me of a chicken and upon seeing it I could here my Grandmother's voice telling me the story of Chicken Little.  It seemed appropriate as I was looking at the sky and that story was about the sky falling.

The last one that I am offering up is another one that I snapped as we were moving through Perdido.  At the time I didn't recognize the formation as looking like a fish.  It wasn't until after I uploaded the photo's that I noticed this one.  Since I was on the water when I took the photo it seemed serendipitous.   

So in honor of my friend Lenny Lee I hope you all enjoy this posting.  What messages have the clouds sent to you?


  1. Beautiful pics! I love cloud-gazing, especially on days when the sky is as blue as that.

  2. cloud-gazing is a wonderful past time and totally reminds me of my youth. perhaps i'll engage in some cloud watching this weekend! you and lenny have inspired me.
