
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Birthdays a good excuse for a Mojito

Saturday was my birthday.

Another year has sped on by.  

Where does the time go?  

In true Breakey tradition we decided to stay in.  Okay, decided is not the right word.  We were more or less held hostage by the Captains Job and the Rain.  

Since he pulled call he had to hang close to home plus it rained solid for two days.  My grass is really happy this week.

It didn't turn out to be too bad.  I got to spend a couple of days getting lost in someone else's stories, which is always fun.  I finished the Kowalki books by Shannon Stacey.  And I loved all three of them.  She has a knack for dialogue that I am totally envious of.  Magic Penis and all.  (You would have to read the books to get the inference.  But they were good.)

Saturday night we stayed in and had cocktails.  We had some friends stop over but they left before the cocktails got started.  I made up some of my now famous Mojito's.  Well, they're famous to me.  I think I have become pretty good at mixing these little darlings up.

Here's the recipe in case you want to give it a go.
1/2 can club soda
1 lime squeezed
Dark rum (to taste)
Mint Leaves

Mottle the mint leaves in the bottom of a glass with a teaspoon of sugar.  You can use more if you like them sweeter.  Add the lime juice.  Add the rum.  I prefer the dark rum just because I like the taste better, but if you were to ask a Mojito Master, they would tell you that they are made with white rum.  Don't get me wrong, those are good too.  But when you are in the comfort of your own home you can do it however you want.  You should use about a shot or more if you want them stronger.  I think my Gram would have called that a jigger.  Add some ice to the glass and pour about a half of the can of club soda over.  Taste and adjust accordingly.  Oh,  yeah and enjoy!

How'd you spend your weekend?


  1. not with a mojito in hand, that's for sure. but I'm glad you had a nice, slightly drunken birthday. those are the best kind ;)

    PS...birthday drinking is no excuse for not getting back to me on our contest entry. we need to win DAMMIT!! that's all.

  2. We spent our weekend with Gin Rickeys instead of Mojitos. The juice of half a lime, sparking water, and gin, poured over ice. Yummy!

  3. i stuck to the bottle(s) of wine this weekend. and other people's stories. they're much more interesting....

    sounds like your day of birth was properly celebrated. WHOOPEE!
