
Monday, August 19, 2013

Bug or Windshield

It's been a while since I posted.

I know, bad Kelly.

Here's the thing.  So many changes recently for me that I've barely had the time to catch my breath, let alone keep up with my blog.

Excuses?  Maybe.

Truth?  Absolutely.

I started a new job in June.  And I adore it.  Why, because I have been blessed with a boss that encourages me to bring my very best everyday.  I get to work with a team of folks who are fun and they challenge me every day to out-do myself.  I've not gotten this from a job since I was in the Navy. (Full disclosure, my last position was with a much smaller company.)

But life here in the Breakey household continues to be one long "I love Lucy" episode.  Thankfully, the role of Lucy is currently being played by the Captain.

I swear it's true.  Coffee is a passion for the hubs. Especially in the mornings before work.  He has at least two cups at home and then another two that he takes with him.

For Christmas last year I got him a new Keurig coffee maker.  He really wanted it and I really wanted to get it for him.

So on Friday, he made his coffee like normal and had his breakfast.  Once he was ready to get in the shower he set the coffee maker up to make the first of his two fisted travel mugs.  He got everything ready.  Put the coffee in the little cup.  Put the little cup in the coffee maker.  Checked to make sure the water resevoir was filled and then he hit the start button.

Of course he forgot to put his mug under the stream so the little over flow tray caught the entire cup.  But the best part had to be his confusion when he went back to get the cup and couldn't figure out where it went, especially since it was sitting next to the coffee maker.  Empty.

It's these little things that crack me up and make me grateful that sometimes I'm the Lucy and other times I get to be the Ricky.  But not a boy, cause ew!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Well, that's what happens when you try to make coffee before you've had your coffee. ;)
