
Friday, May 31, 2013

Do you YouTube?

It's Friday.

Yeah!  *throws confetti*

Whew, this one has been a seriously long week.  And keep in mind that as I write this it is only Thursday and we had a day off.  

I know!  Right?

Yesterday I spent some time trying to get my youtube account to sync with my google account because I had a legacy youtube account.  Which basically means I set it up a really, really, really long time ago.  I didn't have all that many video's uploaded.  Just some boating and Xmas stuff.  After two hours and a major rager of a headache I ended up deleting the old account and starting a new one.  

Why do I torture myself that way?  I have no idea.

Anyway, I logged up one of my early works of the hubs wakeboarding and thought I would share it with you guys.  

Also you can now find me on youtube if you are so inclined to subscribe.  Not really up on the youtube lingo and why subscriptions are necessary but you can if you want.  If any of you frequent followers have a youtube channel leave me a note so I can check it out.  I definitely want to help get the word out and support you guys.

Have a great weekend and just know's boating time somewhere.

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