
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hangin' with the BH Crew

So.  Last night we had our very first Google Hangout for our BookHungry club.

Yeah, we had a few technical difficulties we need to work through.  

But it was fun.  

I got to see the ladies I have been tweeting, blogging and talking to for the last three years.  And that was delightful.  Well except when Karla got to big for her britches, which should be hard for her to do since she has now officially lost over 110 pounds.  She lost a whole person.  Maybe a somewhat slight anorexic person, but still.

We got to commiserate with Patty about dieting.  Which we both hate.  And we were all reassured just seeing Abby after the events at the Boston Marathon.  We have been worried.

I think the best part was we got to welcome a new BookHungry Member.  It's been us four for so long that it was nice making a new friend.  

Of course I think Blake got the quick version on how we critique our books.  Thumbs up or thumbs down we all just get together for the chit chat.  And really, isn't that the whole point to girlfriends?

Come back on Thursday and you can read my review for this months selection.


  1. I'm still amazed at how much weight Karla lost. And so fast! I need to borrow some of her willpower.

  2. *hugs* it WAS fun to see you all last night after only hearing your voices for so long.

    and yes, we can call it like it is. i was the one with the technical difficulties. *hangs head*

  3. ahem. excuse me, but it's 115.4 thank you very much (and weigh-in is tomorrow, so it might *fingers crossed* be more than that)

    and i must point out that no one remarked on my collarbones. they're a thing of beauty, especially since they've been in hiding all these years ;)
