
Monday, March 25, 2013

Kids Need To Read

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time you know I have a serious love affair going with reading.  Oh yeah, and Nathan Fillion.  That can't really be a surprise.  Have you seen him?  

My Grandmother passed her love of reading onto me by introducing me to the most wondrous place on earth.  The public library.  

Here was a place that I could go to every weekend to escape between the pages of books and take trips to far off places in my imagination.  Remember, this was the 80's.  We didn't have kindle's and e-readers so the library was the place to get our fix.

Some of my best Saturday's were spent curled up in a corner on the third floor of the Enoch Pratt Free Library.  I was also lucky enough that there was a branch exactly four blocks from my house.  I much preferred the central library downtown because it was how we would spend a full day including grabbing lunch at The White Rice Inn, my all time favorite restaurant in the city while I was growing up.  

Literacy was something that was very important to my Gram and that is something else she passed on to me.  So if you feel the same way, I got a way for you to help out.  It's for a good cause; Literacy.  Oh and Nathan Fillion.  

Check it out.  And if your so inclined...donate.

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