
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I need a Calgon Moment.

It seems as if the only things I have been reading lately involve cats and grubs.  No the two are not connected.  Or at least I don't think they are.  Crap, now I have to go and look that up.

This weekend I'm hoping to find some me down time and spend it reading.  I have a bunch of stuff on my to TBR list but am feeling a little overwhelmed by it all.  I guess I need help.  Tell me what your reading and if its not on the depressing-as-hell side, maybe it will give me an idea where to start.

If all else fails I will do a re-read, but I'm hoping to find something new to get lost in.

Tomorrow starts my new scheduled with the little one that's sick.  I have to start giving him subcutaneous fluids.  This should be fun.  Did I mention it involves needles?  Did I mention I hate needles?  Well it does, and I do.  If you hear whimpering, don't worry, it's just me.  Sympathy is appreciated.  Hey, don't judge me.


  1. I'm sorry. Playing with needles is never fun, especially when it involves children. You have my deepest sympathy.

  2. Needles? Ugh. I'm so sorry.

    Have you read OUTLANDER, by Diana Gabaldon? It's the first book of a fabulous, get-lost-in-it series.

  3. Ugh. *sends hugs*

    I'm taking Linda's advice and starting Outlander, which I picked up at RWA Nationals this summer.

    I just re-read Jeff Somers' Cates series. Again. Man, those books never disappoint.

  4. I've never read Outlander, but I've "heard" (i.e. read rave reviews and 140 character glowing comments on the Twitter) good things about it.

    I'd tell you read Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series but I think you've already told me that it wasn't your cup o tea...soooo, might I suggest Carl Hiaasen's SKINNY DIP? that was a fun read or if you're willing to try Evanovich again, she's got a new-ish series out (only one book pubbed so far) called WICKED APPETITE.

  5. i'm re-reading the first HARRY POTTER for book hungry and those books always let me get lost in them.

    *sends more hugs*
