
Monday, September 19, 2011

Hope you had the time of your life

Picture was taken 091611
Today's going to be a quiet day for me.

Well, the whole weekend really was.

Saturday was the day we said good bye to Rocky.  Even now as I write this I can feel the emotions rising to the surface.  My throat is getting thicker and my sadness is pushing at the back of my eyes in an effort to get out.

It has been a sad weekend here in the Breakey house. 

My only consolation is he is no longer in any pain and he I am positive my Gram was waiting for him. 

Goodbye sweet Rocky, I'm already miss you so much.


  1. I'm so sorry, Kelly. *hugs* He was a wonderful cat, and I know he'll always be a part of you.

  2. i'm sorry to hear about rocky, kelly!


  3. Oh, I am so sorry, Kelly. *sends hugs and prayers*
