
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday BookHungry

This month BookHungry turns One.  Okay it was technically last month as we formed the book club in July of last year.  But since our first review was in August I'm going with August.

How cool is that?  

A year ago during a twitterfest session with some of my favorite tweeps an idea was born.  It was quite brilliant in its simplicity.  We enjoyed sharing we all loved to read so why not start a book club.  Of course this book club wouldn't be your normal type.  

We weren't going to take turns hosting dinner or debating over who should bring the wine.  In fact I had never met any of the other book club literary lovers since we all cover different areas of the United States there was definitely a challenge here.

But one we were willing to rise to.

And rise we did.

Through emails and blogs we have managed to "meet" to discuss our selections and debate what we did or didn't like about each title.  And let me tell you it has been interesting. Every month a new member brings their selection to the table.  We read and discuss and every third Thursday of the month we post our review via our own blogs.  

But last night we introduced a game changer.  And I think it was appropriate that it happened now.  Right when we are turning a year old, growing and changing.  We conference called with each other and this months book selection author.  It was awesome.  The best part was after this months author left the line the Bookhungry ladies stayed on the call for another thirty minutes just chatting.

I for one am hoping this becomes part of our monthly norm.  I realize we won't always be able to have said book author join us, but after last night we're sure gonna try.     

So Happy Birthday BookHungry and thank you to all the ladies of Bookhungry.  You give me something to look forward to each and every month.  


  1. we're one! and we're talking! how very age appropriate of us.

    it's been a blast reading and tweeting and blogging and emailing with you!

  2. *raises a glass* Here's to us!

    I LOVE Bookhungry. I think we need t-shirts.
