
Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy BTIB release day!

My vacation is officially over as well as my social networking silence.  Go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief.  I know you missed me.

We have a great week ahead of us here on the blog, but first I have to figure out what the hell blogger did while I was gone.  Everything has changed and it is totally freaking me out.  I really don't like it.  Today.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel differently.

But since this is a new week I am just going to go with it.  And in starting this new week off I need to announce a couple of winners.  Yes I said a couple because at the end of the day we had a tie and then an extra one I through in just because.  I love  giving books away.
Okay so the BTIB giveaway goes to...drum roll please.

Mel Rob and Pokadots1121.  


And just because I love my undead Spice Sister Mummy,  I am going to send her a copy too! 

Rock on Carrie Harris and Congratulations on you Bad Taste In Boys release day! 


  1. I love that cover!

    And welcome back from vacay. :)

  2. "And just because I love my undead Spice Sister Mummy, I am going to send her a copy too!"

    woah, wait, what? AWESOME!!!!! this is like a welcome back for you AND me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. this news totally made an otherwise shoddy day FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC.

  3. EXCUUUSE ME....why didn't I win? I think this contest is rigged. I'm just saying. *sticks tongue out at YOU*

  4. You are the best Spice Sister ever. Except that Mummy is also the best Spice Sister ever.

    OH, heck. You know what I mean.

  5. Yay! I win!!I've been wanting to read this forever.

  6. I'm pretty your going to need my address so email me at
    Thanks again.
