
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Round and Round I go

Today I feel like a hamster on a treadmill.  

Don't ask me why.  Everything is going great.  For whatever reason I still feel behind.  I guess that's because I owe Karla another snippet and thoughts on her last of the Fun and Games (sorry Karla).  I haven't read the book that I have to review tomorrow.  (How did the third Thursday of the month get here so freaking fast?)

I had to rush around on Monday to get the taxes done, because I hate doing them and always put them off.  Plus I owed money.  I swear, each year, just as I start to understand them something else changes and I have a harder and harder time trying to figure them out.  This year was no exception.

So today I am working, reading, writing.  What I am not doing?  Walking on my treadmill.  Go Figure.


  1. Lucky for you that the April book pick is a fast read. You'll have it done in no time...just make sure you have a box of tissue handy. im just saying :)

  2. i too feel like i'm going around and around in circles, but then i look up and i'm miles from where i need to be. not quite sure how that happened/happens....

    good luck with everything!

  3. Some days (weeks, months) it just feels like I'm on the treadmill, whether or not I'm actually busier than usual. I guess my tolerance for busy-ness is variable.

  4. Well, maybe you're not actually behind for this month but way ahead for next month? Sounds good to me anyway when I feel like I'm slipping. LOL.

  5. Slow and steady Kelly...and I haven't told you (because I'm just getting back into my blog hopping) but I LOVE the new blog look.
