
Friday, April 29, 2011

Perspective: It's all about geography

Isn't is funny how geography can change how you view the day.

Today in London people are lining the streets to catch a glimpse of a future King and Queen.  Wait, will she be queen if his crowned King?  Can she be?  I don't know.  

In Japan people are still dealing with the effects of the Tsunami that stuck over a month ago.  A month.  And they are still reeling from the loss and catastrophic effects.

In Florida I am sitting in my office, smiling because I can see the breeze blowing and my new palm tree is settling in nicely to his new home.  It's an awesome day out.  One of those days where the sky is so blue it hurts to look at it and the humidity is non existent so even when I don't where my good sunglasses I can still everything so crisp and clear.

In Northern  Alabama, the Captain, my wonderful loving husband has gone to help in the relief efforts for all of the folks who were hit by those tornadoes from the other day.  

An F-4 made its way through Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia before finally giving up the fight.  But in its wake it left a path of death and destruction.  A 400 mile mess that even now, shell shocked survivors, are doing their best to wade through.  

So as half the world watches the Royal wedding (yes I will be one of them, I have my DVR set to record right now.  I am a writer, I get my inspiration from all kinds of places) take a moment to remember the folks who could care less that the future king of England is getting married today.

And remember, even if life hands you a few lemons this weekend.  It's much better to end up with the makings for lemonade than to end up with whatever a tsunami or tornado can throw your way.  Just saying.

Happy Friday all...and have a great weekend.


  1. nice sentiment :)

    and inbox is empty #justsaying

  2. i think that's what so nice about the royal wedding -- it's a bit of goodness in the midst of all the devastation that's surrounding us right now. and we could all use a little sunshine (literally and metaphorically) right now.
