
Monday, April 25, 2011

I still learn new things everyday

Most of you guys know I have been married for twenty years.  My husband is amazing.  He is warm and generous and his sense of humor is wicked smart.  And he still has the power to surprise me.

Yesterday was Easter Sunday and our day was awesome.  In fact our whole weekend was pretty spectacular.  We rested and relaxed.  And we capped yesterday off with a crab feast that was delicious.  After the party broke up and we got home we were pretty much spent.  (What?  Relaxing is hard work.)  But it was too early for bed so we decided to watch a movie.  I selected four and let him choose.  My four included Star Trek (awesome), Forrest Gump (hello!), Independence Day (it really is more of a July 4 kind of flick) and E.T.

Imagine my surprise when he announced that he had never seen E.T.  I thought I had heard him incorrectly.  Not. Ever. Seen. E.T.  How was that possible?  I mean, really, what rock did he live under in 1982?  

So we snuggled up together and settled in to watch a classic that still thrills me.  Even after almost thirty years, this move stands the test of time.  Good news, the Captain laughed in all the right places.  It was a great way to cap off a perfect weekend.  So...what did you do?

1 comment:

  1. um, i've never seen ET. but then again, i haven't seen many movies. i was always too busy reading!

    my family was in town and though a portion of them had to leave due to a stomach illness, those that remained had a blast! i love company!
