
Monday, March 7, 2011

Twenty Years...Man, did they fly

So today the Captain and I are cruising the Caribbean and celebrating our twentieth.  I thought I would share a picture from back in the day.  The picture attached is our wedding announcement photo.  I can't believe how young we were.

I debated on where this post should go.  Should I tell you the story of how we met?  It's a pretty good one.  Or should I talk about how thankful I am that I found that someone I wanted to spend my life with when I was only twenty-one years old.  Maybe I should go on about the fact that we were married in Japan and therefore our marriage license is completely in kanji and therefore needs an affadavit to translate it.  (That has made for some interesting explanations when said license has been requested for proof of marriage.)

But then I decided, nah, I am just going to go on about the fact that as you read this, even now, we are cruising to ports that guarantee warm sands and blue skies.  

We are going to spend our day aboard ship and tonight we will be having dinner at one of the specialty restaurants.  It's a steak house because the Captain is a carnivore and likes his meat medium well.  

Afterward, we will go to one of the lounges and have a cocktail.  In memory of my Gran and the cruise we took way back before I was Mrs. anybody, I will probably have a Bahama Mama which she was known to enjoy on that particular trip.  We will definitely watch the sunset and maybe have a night cap on the balcony off our suite.  

All in all I am sure it promises to be a great day!  I give you my word to share a first hand account of it when I get back.

So, tell me, what are you doing today?


  1. Love the pic. Have a great time on your cruise!

  2. Aww, great pic!

    What am I doing today? Envying you, that's what. ;)

    Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

  3. aw cute pic! have fun on your cruise :)

  4. have so much fun on your cruise! you and the captain deserve it.

    congrats on 20 years!

  5. What a great picture! I hope you two have a FANTASTIC time. We'll miss you here on Twitter!

  6. Happy Anniversary! ♡

    Have a spectacular time on your tres romantique cruise!

