
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Luck of the Green

Tomorrow is March 17 and for you non-Irish peeps out there, we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day aka La Fheile Padraig.  

Now I could go on and be the good Catholic girl I was raised to be and tell you why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, especially in Ireland.  But the translation loses something I think.  Instead I will tell you that in America it is considered a day of feast.  If you ask any of the folks who claim Irish decent the purpose of celebrating St. Patrick's Day, they will surely tell you it is like Fat Tuesday.  A day to eat, drink and be merry.

But St. Patrick was more than a party boy-okay he wasn't a party boy at all.  But it sure is fun to think that he was.  Hello!  He was catholic.  Don't tell me he didn't drink.  It's like a law or something.

He was actually a priest who traveled back to Ireland after his escape from captivity there and using the shamrock, taught of the Trinity to the Irish people.  Now the trinity of which I speak is not the one you may know from the Food Network which includes celery, bell peppers and onions.  Nope, I am referring to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As you can see I included a pic where they have made the water in the water-ways green.  Hey we do that in our pool for St. Patrick's day too.  Of course ours isn't man made, it is more Algae made.  Hmm, I wander if there is a St. Algae or just St. Al for short.  I am looking that up right now.  

Don't you love how you come to my blog and get a lesson some days?  Okay, tomorrow is Book Hungry Club day and we are reviewing this months read so you know what that means.  Karla has her posting of Fun and Games up over at her blog today.  Check it out.

Have a great day and don't forget to wear green tomorrow.  Even if your not Irish, a little luck never hurt anyone.


  1. Thanks for a bit of St. Paddy's Day history!

    Personally, I'm usually a little green the day AFTER St. Paddy's Day. ;)

  2. hi miss kelly! wow that green water is soooo cool. for sure im gonna wear me a nice green tee shirt tomorrow just for you so i could be just a little bit of irish.
    ...hugs from lenny
