
Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Back...well sort of

Well we have arrived back in port and are waiting to catch a flight home.  I am so looking forward to that.  While this vacation was one for the books on soooo many levels, we both agree, home is where the heart is and we are missing our little ones.  Even now as I sit here writing this I can't wait to be home.  But real quick before we catch our flight I wanted to pop on and share a couple of things we really enjoyed about our vacation.

5.  The motion of the ocean.  (Get your mind out of the gutter people.  We were on a cruise.)  Every night we were lulled to sleep by the gentle lullaby of the ocean.  The rocking, which I expect to feel for quite a while, and soothing breeze that danced across the balcony and teased the sheer curtains each and every night.  We were asked to not leave the doors open as it would save energy and not waste the air conditioning but since I was on vacation and preferred that we turned the a/c off and left the doors open anyway.  It was lovely.

4.  The people we met and got to dine with.  (I will share more later.)  There was a family from Canada, two sisters from Chicago, a mum and daughter from Canada and me and the Captain.  We had a blast with these folks and by the last night on board the folks around us were convinced that we were a family on holiday.

3.  Watching the Captain get is Kid back.  There was a ride on board called the flowrider which he mastered.  We took a speed boat ride in St. Thomas (where I showed how accident prone I really am) that had him chortling like he was twelve.  The submersible boat ride we took in St. Maarten which had him oohing in awe at the sea life and the rum tasting we did in Puerto Rico where he tried drinks he had never tried before.

2.  Getting my read on.  Spending quality time in a beach chair.  Just me, some tunes, and my kindle.  It was the best of all worlds.

And the number one reason...

1.  Being completely unplugged.  We didn't have any cell phones, no twitter, no face-booking the family and no work calling.  It was the most relaxing and amazing week of my life.  I definitely recommend that everyone do this for some portion of time, if for no other reason, but to remind you that technology does not make up for the one on one interaction between people and the connections that you already have.

So until tomorrow...


  1. yay, you're back!, sort of. it's a good thing, too. I've been sulking in a Twitter corner all week, with no one to pick on

  2. Welcome (almost) back! Sounds like it was absolutely heavenly. I'm looking forward to reading more of the details. :)
