
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So Easy to Please

Monday was Valentine's Day.  But you guys already knew that.

Every year I go all out and prepare a fabulous meal for the Captain on this special day.  Now I should tell you guys, in the course of full disclosure, I love to cook.  Not just enjoy, but full out LOVE.

I love everything about it.  

I especially love experimenting with different cultural dishes.  When we lived in Japan I learned to make fried rice like a pro.  I have a few variations, but I still think my husbands favorite is egg fried rice.  It is the breakfast version that is served there pretty much everyday.

I learned to love Sushi and make the regional favorites that you would see served up everywhere.  I was also Lucky that I was surrounded by friends who were all from different places.  That is one thing about the Navy that I do miss.  Chuck, a good friend of ours, his wife was Korean.  She taught me how to make Korean BBQ like nobody's business.  Another friend, Jose', he was Canadian.  Nah, just kidding, he was Mexican.  He taught me the fine art of tortilla's.  They are a lot of work, but homemade tortilla's make everything taste good and I am well versed in corn and flour.

So on Monday when I decided to make a special dinner for the Captain I didn't expect it to be hard.  In fact I figured I could whip something up in no time flat.  So imagine my surprise when I asked him what he wanted for dinner and his answer wasn't Chicken Cordon Blue, which is what I had all of the ingredients for since that is his favorite meal and he usually always requests that for dinner on this special day.

No, he was in the mood for sandwiches.  So in true KB fashion.  (KB is me by the way) I pulled up my bootstraps, er, tied my tenny's tighter?  And I set to work.  Okay, sandwiches I could do.  But he wasn't getting some meat pressed between two pieces of bread.  

I did a little digging and decided to go with the Croque Monsieur.  Which is french for Mr. Crunch.  It is a fancy way of saying a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.  But of course the French make everything sound better.  Seriously, which would you rather have.  A ham and cheese sandwich or a Croque Monsieur?  It's a no brainer, right?

Can I just say...Man it was good.  I also whipped up an amazing Caesar Salad and some decadent mini chocolate bundt cakes.  To. Die. For. 

We spent the evening watching some old Farscape DVD's.  (They are his favorites)  I was hoping for some Firefly as I can't get enough of Nathan Fillion, but lucky for me, Castle came on and I got to swoon over him for an hour anyway.

So tell me friends...what did you and your significant other do?



  1. Oh, yum! Those Mr. Crunches look scrumptious!

    TG and I went out to lunch at our favorite restaurant, and then tucked in early with Manhattans at home. Mmm. :)

  2. HOLY COW. i tried to reach through the computer to pick up a sandwich. it didn't work, so i'm inviting myself over to your house next year.

    me, myself, and i went to the gym and ran into one of my fellow squashers so instead of a boring 45 minutes on the elliptical, i got an hour and change on the squash court. best surprise ever!

  3. That sandwich looks yummy. My sig other worked all day but gave me some chocolate and a card in the morning.

  4. Yum! I love Croque monsieur and Croque Madam both! The French sandwiches are thin and delicious, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Thanks for reminding me of this great treat, must make some tomorrow!
