
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Missing my social interaction....

I am falling behind on everything lately.  Remember back when I said I was a superhero.  Well it seems-at least for the time being-I have misplaced my cape.

Working from home has been absolutely fabulous.  I didn't know I would enjoy it this much.  My stress levels have dropped considerably since I am no longer responsible for maintaining an office.  I no longer have that 1.5 hour drive to and from, that I made everyday.  More time for me to be productive.

I am eating better since I have more control of what I end and when.  No more rushing to a drive-through for lunch.  No grazing, even though I was warned it could happen.  I spend more quality time with my computer than ever before.

I can watch One Tree Hill at lunch and not subject the Captain to this it-used-to-be-good-but-is-now-limping-out-of-its-last-season substandard television.  They did a show where Brooke got to be a superhero, but now I am just digressing (has anyone noticed that I really like the word digress, I know Karla did.  She is itching to make comments on that jumble, believe you me. 

But that isn't what I was originally trying to tell you guys.  I have been slaving away at school work, trying to get this course completed.  Yes there is a deadline and yes it is quickly approaching and you would think with all of my organizational skills I would be so much closer to being done.  I have no excuse-okay maybe a lame one-and now it is all catching up with me.  

So the reason for today's post is to apologize to all of my friends and the blogs I have been missing.  I promise to hit them once this crazy next couple of weeks are over, but until then, I may be a little bit MIA.  To my twitter tribe...I miss you guys.  To my facebook friends...well, I only remember to stop by there at 2 in the morning, and it's not like anyone is ever up when I do except Patrick.  

What was I talking about?  Oh, yeah right.  So if I miss making a comment, I am still stopping by, but not taking so much time to interact.  Hopefully this will all be over soon and I will be back to my socializing self. 


  1. no apologies necessary. you've been a busy bee, but we all look forward to the day when you can breathe easier and come out and play with us :)

  2. this school work is a mystery to me. what class are you taking???

    and yes, we'll be here waiting for your imminent return. can't wait!

  3. hi miss kelly! it ok cause it just real important to take good care of YOU! for sure i miss you but im just real happy youre gonna be back when you get that school stuff all done. i could know bout that schools stuff for sure. ack! :)
    ...hugs from lenny

  4. Hope things settle down for you soon, Kelly -- I miss seeing your smiling pixels all over the interwebz. :)

  5. Miss you Kelly! But I totally understand; I've been getting really busy too. Hope everything calms down soon for you, my dear. Have a lovely weekend. We all miss you! *hugs*

