
Monday, February 14, 2011

Celebrating the love

Today is Valentine's Day.  Love it or hate it, today is the day we celebrate being in love.

There is a quote from the movie titled Valentines Day that I think is so appropriate..."love is the most shocking act left on the planet."  To me it is true.

Whether you will spend today with a loved one, mourn the loss of one, or spend time thinking of the prospect of one, I hope your day is filled with lots of happiness and fun.  Because believe me, neither of those things are under-rated.

We will spend our evening together cooking dinner, watching a romantic movie and just basking in the glow that seems to get brighter as we mark another year together.  I feel blessed and content as I write this post and wish for all of you, my faithful readers, the same.

From me to you...Happy Valentine's Day...


  1. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Just got back from lunch with my sweetie. We also stopped at a bookstore, and even got some chocolate. My kind of date. :)
