
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Have you ever....

Here is something you didn't know about me.  I am a closet car rock star.  No, seriously.  I can't carry a a tune in a bucket-hand to god-but you put me in an enclosed vehicle with a smoking soundtrack and I could give Cher or (fill in the blank of your favorite singer here) a run for their money.  I seriously rock.  In fact, as far as I am concerned, I got a set of pipes that most of you would envy.  Maybe not in a good way either.

This past weekend I had a baby shower to attend.  It was a pretty important one for me as it was for one of my besties daughters.  It still astounds me that I have friends who have children who are old enough to be having babies themselves.  Anyway, Saturday, I had a two hour drive to make for this party and since I was going by myself I loaded up my iPod with a mixture of new and old stuff.  It was a musical mishmash that entertained and delighted me for most of the trip.

There was one song I stumbled upon that I had not heard in a while.  The R&B song 'Have you Ever' by Brandi.  It was released in 1998 and while I thought it was a good song, I didn't flip over it or anything.  Saturday, that all changed.  This song came up on the play list and suddenly I was this sultry R&B singer who could  hit every note.  If some of them cracked, well believe you me, no one noticed.

I was shooting through Mobile, Alabama and was hitting all of the notes when I suddenly felt like I was being lapped.  Looking out the drivers side window, I see this guy on a red motorcycle looking over at me.  No, looking over at me is incorrect.  He was sitting up straight with one hand on the bars and his torso turned in my direction with the other hand resting on his knee.  Lifting his free hand he pushed the visor up so I could see his face.  It was a cute face, but what caught my eye was the smile stretched from side to side.  Shaking his head he gives me a thumbs up before he pushes the visor down, turns back to the road and shoots ahead.

Of course my face flamed about thirty different shades of red.  How is it that I always seem to forget that people can actually see me when I am driving and doing one of my impromptu concerts in the car?  It took about ten miles, a Bon Jovi and a Poison song to get me through it, but I did.  Before you could say "If I could Turn Back Time" I was working on my next concert.

But if you are reading this cute guy on red motorcycle.  Thanks for the salute.  It made my day after I was done being all embarrassed and all.

Anyway, I just thought I would share that fun and random fact about me today.  The reason being, when I told my IT wiz he said it was so cool that I still had fun like that in the car.  I was surprised.  I thought everyone did.

Okay, now its your turn.  Are you a car rock star?  No, than what talents do you have hidden that no one knows about?  Come on, we're all friends here.


  1. I always knew you were a rock star!!! Though I'm a singer, I'm always really shy about singing unless it's on a big stage. I don't think I've ever said that on Feel me Up before.

  2. Oh, I'm a terrible singer, but that doesn't stop me from belting it out at the top of my lungs, whether I'm in my car, sitting at my desk at work, or even playing Rock Band with my little bro (Rock Band tells me I'm flawless BTW). :)

  3. that is the best story i've heard in ages!

    my secret talent? i can get anyone lost. if they're with me (in the car, walking, on the phone with me), they will get lost. even if they're going somewhere they've gone 1,000 times, a detour will pop up and they'll get lost. i can't say i'm proud of it, but it is a proven fact. i'd much rather have your secret talent.

  4. I knew you rocked!

    What a great story. I love that he smiled at you instead of just pretending he didn't notice.

    For me, it's dance. When the house is empty, I crank up the volume and dance like I'm still fifteen. When I was a teenager, I was a great dancer. Even won awards. Two kids, a few decades and more than a few pounds later, my dance skills are the equivalent of a cracked voice. But when I'm alone, i shake and shimmy like I'm in a Britney Spears video.

    It's impossible to be sad when you're dancing.

  5. This is hilarious..I sing in the car too but my funniest moment involved me sitting at a long redlight literally inhaling an Orange Push-Up. You know...the ice cream thingy...I was going to town...making sure I left no remnant behind..when I looked over and saw two men in a truck in the lane beside me staring...mouths gaping, eyes awe, I think. It's easy to forget that people do watch you when you're in your car!

  6. I am a car rock star, and a Karaoke star.... I love to sing.....
