
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

As you know I have been MIA since Christmas Eve.  At first I felt a little guilty because I had dedicated myself to updating the blog daily through out the week.  But then the Captain and I decided to go and spend the holidays with some of our favorite people and I figured you guys were all busy tending to your holiday traditions too and I felt less guilty.

So we headed north to Michigan for the holidays.  It was a great trip even it meant four days in the truck round trip.  I guess the good thing is we both really enjoy road trips.  No, we don't sing broad way show tunes as the Captain is not a fan.  We stick to classic rock mostly and he can do a mean Bon Jovi when he is motivated.  Let's just say he doesn't give love a bad name!

During this trip the hubs also had another birthday.  It was a fun evening.  We hung out with his younger brothers and their families eating, imbibing and decorating Xmas ornaments.  That seems to be something everyone does have fun doing and we get to remember the event every year when we put those ornaments up on the tree.

I also go to meet the new nephew, whom is the most gorgeous baby to have ever been born.  Okay, so I am bias.  Whatever.  He was so much fun getting to know and spending time with.  Xmas morning we were up and out before Santa was finished leaving presents for our niece Kylie who is two this year and does understand, somewhat, who Santa is.  We were there when she saw the tree and the gifts and got to watch her open all her presents.

Both of my SIL's loved their gifts and I was pretty psyched about what we did.  We had everyday photo's turned into works of art for their walls.  Of course the works of art were of their children which seemed to make it even more special to them.  Ryan's mom couldn't wait to hang hers up and it was proudly displayed and showed off to each and every person who crossed the threshold of their home Xmas day.

The best part of the holidays for me was spending quality time with the everyone and staying in a hotel this year.  For the hubs it was the sledding he got to do Xmas Eve.  That's right it was truly a white Xmas for us all around.  What was the best part about your holidays this year and please don't say it was when they ended. 


  1. Don't worry about your hiatus. NOBODY was reading blogs over the holidays. I felt like I was talking to myself! LOL Sounds like you had a great one. Snow, huh? That would not be my choice. This FL girl likes her holidays hot! ;)

    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh, the best part about my holidays was watching my 2 year old daughter enjoy them. She had a blast, and so did we.

  3. that sounds like a fun, jam packed holiday season. i'm glad you got to spend it with people in real life, though we did miss your digital presence.

    happy new year!

  4. Almost every blog I read took a break over Christmas. I did because I knew I wouldn't have time to comment back!

  5. Happy New Year! Glad you had a fun-filled time with family.

  6. Aww, sounds like you guys had a great time! Good to see you back. :)
