
Monday, December 13, 2010

That is sooooooooo Tinsle!

I got my Christmas mojo back this weekend.

I have no idea where it had been hiding, but I am so glad that it decided to show up.  

Since the beginning of the month I have been trying to find it.  I have put the Xmas music on.  Loaded up my ipod and blasted those tunes morning, noon and night.  It didn't work.  I had all of my shopping done before Thanksgiving so I spent some time this week wrapping gifts.  That didn't work.  I watched all of my favorite Christmas shows on DVD and even went so far as to spend a whole day last weekend watching Fa La La La Lifetime.  You guessed it, that didn't work either.

Gracie Lou sees the magic!
So imagine my surprise when I woke up Saturday morning and was giddy with it.  Suddenly I was looking forward to this wonderful season.  Up early, I made a list of all of the things we needed to get done this weekend.  Yes, it was a long list and took every moment of the entire weekend, but when it was all said and done, I think it was completely worth it.

Saturday the weather cooperated and hit the high sixties so we had a great day for hanging lights outside.  Sunday we did the inside of the house.  Yes, it does look a little bit like Xmas Vacation, but so what right?  I also spent Sunday making peanut brittle and fudge for my give-aways.  Yummy!

Hope you all are ready for the holiday too.  Here's wishing a Merry Merry to you and your from me and mine!


  1. I love making holiday treats! And it snowed a ton here which makes it feel a little more Christmasy. Yay for finding your mojo!

  2. I'm so glad you found your Christmas mojo! :)

  3. The one thing that helps me find it - SNOW! Funny, that you and I posted on a very similar topic. Just today on the blog I was talking about finding my Christmas spirit! :)

  4. prep and landing is on ABC family on wednesday night. i think it's going to make my christmas cheer EXPLODE!

    but you know? on a normal year, i usually don't find my christmas cheer until mid-December. it's a busy time at work and since i don't usually have christmas decorations up in my apartment, i have to wait until i go home to my folks house to find my cheer. i have to say, i like having it on december 1.

    am so glad you found yours!
