
Monday, December 20, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like...Happy Birthday!

Well this month we are not just celebrating the birth of Jesus, I also get to help some good friends celebrate birthdays all over the country.

First and foremost the Captain.  His birthday is the 23rd.  Yep, that's right, in your household the first day of Xmas may not fall until the 25th of December but the festivities in our house start way before that.  We celebrate on the 23rd all things The Captain. 

The day starts off with his crown.  No, you read that right.  He gets to wear a crown.  Why not let him at least look like a king for a day, right?  We spend it doing all things non-Xmas but make sure it's all about him.  He gets a birthday dinner of Chicken and Dumplings (his favorite) and we cap off the day with his gift which is NOT wrapped in Xmas paper.  

This month my niece turned two, my sister turned thirty-something, my SIL turned twenty-nine for the like the twentieth time and my other SIL had a birthday too.  That's just the family members.  Than I get to wish some guys from the old neighborhood the big HB!  I know I am so hip!  I originally wrote that as hop and almost left it.  I said, almost.  I'm not that lame.  Okay, I am.  But I fixed it didn't I?

Than I get to wish some new friends that I have made on Twitter Happy Birthday as well.  

So to Johh, Pablo, Lisa, Barb, Tina Lynn, Kevin and the rest of you I hope you all have a great birthday this year and enjoy the day the way it was meant to be enjoyed.  Celebrating that you guys are here with us!  Hope this year is the best one EVER!

And to Captain Kid, besides the whole: you are getting so old thing, I really hope this year is one for the books.  In a good way.  No family surprises,  But most of all I am just thankful I get to spend another one with you.  Happy Birthday Babe. 


  1. whew! that's a lot of celebrating! i love it! happy birthday to all!

  2. That made me tired just reading. Happyhappyhappy birthday!!! (And happy holidays)

  3. hi miss kelly! im sending a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mr captain! i hope he has a really nice day being the king. i could tell you love him lots and that just way cool. yikes! you got a zillion birthdays for december. how could you remember all of them.
    ...hugs from lenny
