
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting this season officially kicked off...

It's December 1, 2010 and I have no idea where this year has gone.  

I have all of my Christmas shopping done because I am an over achiever that way.  

I figured with this being the start of the Christmas season and all I would get things started off right and share some of my favorite holiday traditions.

Favorite Old Christmas Movie that I have to see every year is "The Christmas Story."  "You'll shoot your eye out" is a line I wait all year to here.  Favorite new must see Christmas show is "Prep and Landing."  If you missed it last year here is the trailer.  Trust me this is a good one.

Favorite Tradition:  I am proud of this because it is one I started.  Every year for Christmas all of the kids in our family get a new Christmas ornament.  It is something tailored to who they are.  This year the cheerleader in our family got a cheerleader ornament with her name and the year on it.  The little one got a stocking with coal in it and the words "But Santa, I can Explain."  It fits her personality to a "T".  The new baby got his baby's first Xmas Ornament.  I love this tradition because when they are adults they will have these collections that mark where they came from and hopefully get them as excited about sharing the holiday as I am.

So that brings us to my favorite decoration.  Hands down it is our Christmas Tree.  Every ornament tells a story.  I am not blessed to have the ornaments I may or may not have made as a child, but I am blessed to have the ones I have created as an adult.  Plus the ornaments that the Captain and I have picked out together over the years.  We have a special one for each year since our very first together.  In fact this is getting me very excited to get my tree up and decorated. 

So wanting to get this season kicked off right I thought I would start this month the way I mean to go Happy Holidays from me to you. 

Now I want to hear about your favorite things for this time of year.  Don't be shy.  This is a safe zone.  You can tell us anything here.


  1. how did i miss "prep and landing"???? it looks amazing! is it on again this year??

    i agree with the love of the christmas tree. pulling out all the ornaments and reminiscing and cringing at the ugly ones and cheering for the pretty ones all while eating a candy cane...yes please!

  2. You have all your Christmas shopping done? I'm sorry, but I have to hate you now. ;)

    TG and I just performed one of our favorite Christmas traditions last night--the making of the the Swedish "glögg" (a kind of mulled wine, served hot). It has to sit in a dark place for three week or four weeks to achieve the right flavor. We serve it at our Christmas Eve open house for friends and family, and it's become quite a favorite.

    Just the smell of the glögg bring Christmas closer. :)
