
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Countdown to Christmas...and I need my Christmas Cheer

The holiday seems to barreling toward me at a fast and furious pace this year.  I thought I was handling it well, with my Christmas shopping completed by Thanksgiving.  I mean, who does that?    And, I was really proud of it too.

But then last night I looked up and I still need to get the trees up, the house decorated, the outside done, the cookies baked, the fudge made and my list seems to be endless.  The Captain says I should just not do so much this year.  I don't even know what that looks like.

I like the trees and the decorations and the baking and the wrapping and everything else that comes with the holidays, but for whatever reason, this year seems to be more work than enjoyment.  And I wish I could get the enjoyment back.  

We finally have some cooler temps and I was hoping that would help get me into the Christmas spirit.  It didn't work.  Sunday the hubs and I spent the day doing chores and watching Fa La La La Lifetime.  Is there really anything else for me to say?  So for, no go.  

Then I thought this picture would help.  It didn't.  Just makes me wish I had more time to get ready for the holidays.  Which annoys me, because I am the one who complains when the decorations come out the day after Halloween.  This year I am wishing that I had started then.

I need help.  Tell me what to do in order to find that Christmas Cheer I am without.  I promise to try anything once, except jumping out of an airplane.  That was the recommendation from my IT guy.  But he's crazy to begin with.


  1. We have a 20+ daughter who has been Chrissie mad the last couple of years. She has pretty much taken it out of our hands. Very relaxing.

  2. i say focus on one task at a time, but first, TURN ON SOME CHRISTMAS MUSIC. that always get me in the mood -- to decorate, bake, wrap, or just sit back and watch the lights twinkle on the tree.

  3. hi miss kelly! im thinking for sure you didnt read my holiday blues post. you could go read it at my blog or you could just do the last part of it that says “Now here’s the most important thing you can do to beat those blues: No matter what is happening in your life, think of the blessings you do have. Taking stock of all of the positives in your life — right here and now — can go a long way toward ending your “bah humbug” mood.” the other part thats a real help is go do something for someone. do some volunteer stuff. i hope this could help you get bake that spirit.
    ...hugs from lenny

  4. I know. Listen to New Meds and let yourself *not* have the cheer. I haven't had much of it either...

    If New Meds doesn't help, there's always liquor.

  5. Sometimes giving myself permission to NOT do something makes me want to do it more. (Yeah, I'm perverse that way.) Also, just doing one thing--even something as simple as putting a wreath on the door--can start the ball rolling. Even if it doesn't, at least you have a wreath up. ;)

    And, of course, there's my old "holiday cheer" standby: eggnog with a shot of bourbon in it, and nutmeg on top. I'm sure it's the nutmeg that does the trick. ;)
