
Thursday, November 11, 2010

When you can't get the teeenage dream out of your head

Today is Thursday and while I am so glad you stopped by I want you to head over to Karla's blog The Last Word to catch the next segment in our Fun and Games with K&K.  It is worth the trip, I promise.  And just in case you missed the first installment from this week you can find it here

Okay since I really want you guys to go and check out my twitterista's blog posting today I decided to just make mine a tribute to one of my twitter sista's and bookhungry club pals, Abby Mumford.  

Yesterday I was slammed at work.  Slammed and  stressed.  I had very little time to check my twitter stream and even less time to catch up on my blog reading.  For whatever reason a tweet came across the tweetdeck that caught my eye.  @abbymumford tweeted that she couldn't get this song out of her head and attached the link to the video at youtube.

I was feeling pretty stressed and hit the link and sat back to take a meditation minute.  And suddenly I was bopping and swaying and my mood improved about 200 percent.  By the way Abby, my co-workers thank you even though they thought I was pretty nuts for bopping and dancing around, everyone was glad the crazed, freaked out Kelly was gone for the day.  For whatever reason once the song was there it just seemed to stay in my head.  

So here is a shout out to one of my twitterati who make me glad I stay tuned to the list of my twitter favs and always pay attention to what they say.  And for the rest of you I hope you enjoy it.  What's that feel good music you fall back on when you are having that kind of a day?


  1. I missed Abby's tweet yesterday, glad I didn't miss your blog today. Thanks...made me smile.

  2. Hey Kelly! I am SO there, if I do get the time to peruse the blogroll (and I do!) I often can't think of a darn thing to say in Comments. Maybe I should just write "YOU GOT IT SISTA!" so my friends don't feel I'm being neglectful. And YAY for sharing the song - SO CUTE! Now it will be trapped in my head along with all those cute boys. I owe you. ;)

  3. Somehow I missed Abby's tweet yesterday too...and I don't even have the excuse that I was stressed and overworked. Anywho...thanks for the shout out! Now, get to work on your snip. I'm waiting *taps foot impatiently*

  4. (a) a blog post just for me?!?! awesomesauce.

    (b) said post includes darren criss singing "teenage dream"? awesomesaucier.

    (c) spreading the GLEE amongst the twitterati and blogesphere? priceless.

  5. Cute video. I love groups that do all the instrumentals to - I think they were anyway! Have a great day!
