
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Hungry: All Creatures Great and Small

The book review below was a Book Hungry Club read.  All of the Book Hungry Members are posting a book review today on their blogs.  They are all listed in my blog roll to the right here, so after you read mine, go check them out too!

This months selection for the book hungry club is by James Herriot called "All Creatures Great and Small".  This was brought to us by Alyson Peterson and you can directly link over to her blog right here.  The rest of the book hungry clan can be found to the right in the blog roll under Book Hungry. 

I would like to start my review by saying that this is one book I am glad I did not miss reading.  Another selection, that if I were browsing in the local bookstore, I would pass right by.  Thanks to Alyson I had a reason to sit down and enjoy it.

This was a book to be savored.  That is the best way I can describe it.  It was a magical story told through the eyes of veterinarian who kept me constantly enthralled.  I loved how green he was when he started and the almost romantic ideals he had and how it was derailed by the everyday realities of what being a rural vet really entailed.

There were times that I felt that I was right there in the thick of it due to the stylistic writings of Mr. Herriot.  I was whisked away to the English country side by his descriptions and the hilarity of his stories.  

From the very first page you are thrust into his idealism of what he expected versus what he got.  I really liked the fact that through the stories he tells you get the sense that he is laughing at himself as well as sharing his view of the world from the inside of a barn, or any where else he may have had to perform his vocation.

The secondary characters were just as entertaining and I was totally charmed by them.  In a nut shell this is one book I would recommend to anyone.  Even the most hardened of folks will enjoy it.

So now for the give away.  If you follow my blog you are automatically entered.  If you don't that's okay, I am not going to make you follow me although I would love if you did.  But if you don't, just leave a comment below and you will be entered.  Simple really.  The winner will be announced next Friday.  Good Luck!


  1. OK...I guess I really was the only one who didn't fall in love with this book. hmmm...

  2. hi miss kelly! cool review. for me i love animals so for sure i could like this book.
    ...hugs from lenny

  3. Sweet little review my dear. I'd read it if it weren't already my favorite!

  4. I read this ages ago--I remember loving it, probably because I'm such an animal love, and at one time wanted to be a vet. I'll have to revisit it to see how it holds up for me.
