
Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Great Halloween!

For starters, I want to apologize. This post was scheduled to go up on Tuesday, but since I am a total dumb ass when it comes to blogger and didn't.  I took a couple of days off to regroup and re-energize with the hubs and one of our agreements when we take off is no outside contact at all.  Which of course includes all of you guys.  So I apologize in advance for missing three days of blog post.  No, I am not going to add them all today, instead I will just be happy that I am three days ahead in postings.

Have I mentioned lately that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays?  I am not even sure it is considered a holiday.  I mean you don't get the day off work unless like me you take it. I do know that part of it is based on the Celtic tradition of Samhain.  Samhain marks the end of the harvest and the time of the year we say good-bye to the light and hello to the dark.  I really like that symbolism since we are getting ready to change the blasted clocks again.

This year for Halloween we spent it at home giving out candy.  And the night before which is called "Devils Night" where I come from was spent partying with our friends at their annual Halloween Party.  There was food and drinks to be had and a lot of laughter and stories to be shared.   

We spent the evening dressed up in our funny costumes, watching football and playing funny games.  Some singing may have occurred.  At least I sound good in my own head.

Anyway, this year I was the Devils Queen and I attended the party with Darth Vader.  And can I just say it was fun bringing him over to the dark side.

Okay as promised here is a picture of us and our fabulous costumes.

What did everyone else end up doing?


  1. We are new to our area so did not party but had the grandkids here and gave out candies like crazy to the neighborhood bunch. It was a lot of fun. Funny how getting older you enjoy where you are. I loved it and look forward to next year when I will dress the yard and the house plus myself. Maybe we'll have a party here!!

  2. Y'all look fabulously evil! :)

    TG & I didn't dress up--we just handed out lots of candy to the trick-or-treaters & watched The Walking Dead (new TV show on AMC).

  3. I was boring...we just handed out candy..I tried to put a cape on one of the dogs and make him into a vampire...that didn't go over too well :)

  4. I had been looking forward to watching SB go trick or treating in her Curious George costume, but alas, she was sick. Little did I know it was just the beginning...

    We also watched the premiere of The Walking Dead. I think I'll be watching that On Demand from now on. Keeps this old lady up too late! ;)

  5. hi miss kelly! yikes! you look scary for sure and so does darth vader! im glad you had a real good time at that party. for me i went trick or treating and got lots and lots of candy. i was a hippy and i had a wig and a tie die t shirt. i made a peace necklace and a head band. wow i had soooo much fun!
    ...hugs from lenny

  6. you two look spectacular! now that's how you do halloween.

  7. Greetings Kelly,
    I am living in England, right now, and Halloween is not the big tradition it is over in North America.
    I miss all the fun of Halloween that I so much enjoyed when I lived in Vancouver. So thank you for sharing your photo and describing your fun night out.
    In kindness, Gary:-)

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