
Friday, October 15, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Follow the Space Lord!

It's Friday and you know what that means.  

Time for me to give up another one of my favorites.  This one is gonna be too easy.

Top Ten Reasons you should follow Patrick Alan

10.  He's cute.
9.  His tweets will make you laugh.  Example:  I'm having a mid-tweet crisis. Where can I find a fast convertible red tweetdeck? I want to tweet with the wind in my hair.
8.  He believes everything he reads on the internet.  (I have the tweet that prove it.)
7.  He believes in sharing personal details through his blog.  i.e. His blog about ten tips to lasting longer in bed.  It starts with a comfy pillow.
6.  He is not afraid to beg for followers.
5.  He is the Space Lord but you don't have to curtsy
4.  He blogs because he can.
3.  He will make you laugh and snort drinks through your nose.
2.  Invented the twitter 1k1h which you can read about here.

And the number one reason....Because he thinks it's a good idea and by that he means Just do it!

You can catch up with him on twitter here and his blog here.

Trust me it is totally worth it.  So now your turn.  Go.  Share with me someone I have to follow.


  1. his blogs and tweets always make me laugh or at the very least grin.
    If I were to recommend a must follow it would be Simon C Larter. His tweets always crack me up.. he's very social on twitter. His posts on his blog are always great to read, whether it be for fun or for tips on writing. He has great advice for writers. Plus his series with Mercedes Yardley, Stilettos and Shirley Temples is really awesome and keeps me coming back for more!

    And if you leave him a bottle of vodka he'll be your friend for life.

  2. I follow both these men and my twitter feed is a happier place because of it.

    Someone you should follow, Kelly? Maureen Johnson. You might already? She's a YA author who's just about the silliest person online you can find. She is zany and nutty in all the best possible ways. Plus, she told me about the MONDAY DRAGON, which let's face it, is a scary, but real life beast.

  3. I already follow the Space Lord. Even though he can't handle martinis, he's still entertaining. Or maybe he's entertaining BECAUSE he can't handle martinis...whatever. ;)

  4. I can always count on Patrick to make me smile. And by "smile" I mean "weep with terror."


  5. Hot DAMN! Now I know I am CUTE! It says so right here on the internet!!!

  6. hi miss kelly! he sounds like fun. im gonna go look at his blog.
    ...hugs from lenny

  7. A.S. I already follow Simon but thanks for the recommendation. I too, love him. He is awesome.

    Abby: I agree and I am now following Maureen Johnson. I hope I got the right one.

    Linda; But I bet he can bong the beer like nobody's business.

    Tawna: smile and weep with terror mean the same thing coming from Patrick.

    Patrick: See, you got your fifteen minutes of fame. Enjoy!

    Candy: He is funny and so are you.

    Lenny: I hope you enjoy reading his blog. Any blogs you want to recommend to me?

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