
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is this weekend and I am pretty psyched for it.

We have a Halloween Party to attend on Saturday evening and while the hubs has his costume all ready I am still up in the air on how I am going to proceed with my costume this year.  I am sure that whatever I pick will be awesome, don't worry pictures will be forthcoming next week.

So this first picture I found over at Jill Shalvis' blog this morning with the caption how do you make pumpkin pie.  I love this.

The next set of pictures are me in some of my recent Halloween costumes.  This is something we do enjoy doing and every year we dress up for the Annual Halloween Party our friends throw and again for Trick or Treating.
This is me as the Queen of the Vampires.  I really liked this one.  What you can't see in the picture are my really wicked spider tattoos on my neck and the huge spider ring on my finger.

This is my clown costume
from two years ago.  This was one that the hubs and I were both able to use so that worked out well. 
This is my witch costume from last year and yes the green hair is my own.  I bought one of those cans of hair color that you spray in...It looked totally terrific but make my hair really dry and took three days of washing to get it out.  What do you guys think about the face tattoo?  Nope, it wasn't real, but I liked it.

Tell me how are you going to spend your Halloween.  Do you dress up and if so what are you going as this year.  

So from me to you...Happy Halloween!  Have a great one.


  1. hi miss kelly! wow i love all that dress up stuff you did. mostly i like the vampire. i dont know what im gonna be. i better hurry up and get a good idea. i didnt trick or treat for a long time so now im soooo excited. big happy halloween to you. i hope you have lots of fun at that party.
    ...hugs from lenny

  2. I'm dressing up as a Karla. It's the scariest costume around. Then, I'll be handing out candy. Exciting, I know :)

  3. your costumes are awesome! love the makeup! i enjoy people that get really into the halloween spirit. i usually do a good costume every other year, and this year happens to be an off year. weird how that works.

    in other news, i just got a big bag of candy delivered to me, so it looks like i don't even have to trick or treat this year.

    wow. i sound lame.

  4. Love the pumpkin pie pic, and all your costumes! You know how to do Halloween right.

    This year I think I just wear some grungy, comfy clothes & be a middle-aged writer. Oh, wait...that's what I do every day. *slaps forehead*

  5. AHH!!! I love your Halloween spirit!!! Great pics:)

  6. I don't dress up unless I have some fun party to go to. Which, since I had a child, never happens. But I am looking forward to watching her enjoy Halloween this year. Last year she didn't get it. This year she is TOTALLY in to it. It's adorable. So I will have fun through her...

  7. I love the clown costume - that is perfect! I don't dress up, but I do go trick-or-treating with my kiddos. Good times! :-)

  8. Happy halloween, Kelly.
    One of my best friends is having a Halloween party so we'll be watching Tm Burton movies until 11pm at night:P Haha it's only because she loves Burton and Johnny Depp.

    I loved the face tatoo you had --nice! :D

    I don't know if I'm going to dress friends want me to but eh-eh I don't know about that just yet.

    Have a great weekend, Kell. *hugs*
