
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Lenny Lee

Today my friend Lenny Lee is having a birthday.  He turns eleven and is a bowl full of awesome sauce as my buddy Abby would say.  No, you don't believe me?  Well go and check out his blog, Lenny's World right here for yourself.  I promise you won't be disappointed.  If you are not already a follower of this phenoms wonder work you need to be.

Lenny has a great view of the world that has not yet been tarnished.  He writes funny and thoughtful posts that will make you smile.  He loves his family and animals and has a heart of gold.  I am truly honored to have gotten to know him through his blog and always look forward to reading his posts and getting messages from him.

That being said we got us a birthday to celebrate.  So lets get this party started.

Lenny my friend, I thought about getting you a cake but came to the realization that a virtual cake didn't have the same effect as a real one so I am going to leave the cake and birthday cards up to your family, and I am sure they will do me proud.  That being said I do have a present for you today.  Just know I hope this is the happiest of all the birthdays you have had and that from here on out they just get better and better.


Thanks for being my virtual blogger buddy.  You Rock!

Lots of Hugs for you Today...

Miss Kelly B.


  1. I was just over at Lenny's wishing him a happy birthday - sounds like he's got a great day planned!

  2. Cute! And you're right...virtual cake is NOT the same...

  3. Lenny is one rad dude!!!! I love all the birthday wishes he's been getting around town! I hope his birthday feels super special!

  4. Lenny's gonna love this post...Awesome!!!!

  5. Lenny is a great kid! I think he's really going to enjoy this birthday. :)

  6. this is a great post for a special guy.

    happy birthday, lenny! i hope your day is full of birthday cake and awesomesauce!

  7. Yay for Lenny's birthday celebration!! I loves me some Lenny. He is pure sunshine. ☼

    I don't know how I wasn't already your friend and following you, but, I'm here now. *waves*


  8. Great post and video for a great kid. I'm sure Lenny will love it!

  9. Happy bday Lenny. Cute post and going to look at his blog now. Wow, when I was 11 I definitely wouldn't have known what to do with a blog of my own:P

    Saw your comment on my blog, and while I replied there I figure aww what the heck I'll come here and tell you on your blog as well. I'm glad things got better and I was open to a new person entering my life. Thanks for having been there for me; it means a lot to me to know that even someone such as yourself, who knows so little about me, could care to listen and offer their virtual shoulder. Thanks for the advice, Kelly, and thank you for listening.
    Have a great day hon:)
    Lots of hugs,

  10. I'm following Lenny's birthday rainbow around the blogosphere today. Isn't he the best EVER?! I loved your cute video and I know he will too! :-)

  11. hi miss kelly! thanks for doing a special post just for me for my birthday. i gotta tell you i loooove that cat video. i watched a bunch of time and it got me the most big smile and laughs. i showed my family and they love it too. this is the best birthday in my whole life cause of such neat blogger friends like you.
    ...hugs from lenny
