
Monday, August 9, 2010

A Fetish by any other name...

I have a shoe fetish.  It's a psychological one.  To me they really are a little bit orgasmic.  I can remember my first time in a shoe store.  Standing there looking at all those choices, rack after rack of shoes.  I know my eyes glazed over.  

They came in so many styles.  Flats, heels, stilettos, open toe, Mary Jane's, wedge heels, sneakers, t-straps, flip flops, sandals, slides, boots, etc.  The possibilities were endless.  I was in Nirvana and I didn't even know what Nirvana was.

My collection started that very day.  Currently I have over 100 pairs of shoes, actually it's probably more than that, I am just too afraid to count them again.  In the grand scheme of things I don't really believe that is a lot of shoes, although my husband vehemently disagrees.  

The reason I mention this is because my shoe size is one of those things my husband tolerates.  When we built our current home one of the requirements was I got my own closet.  Not my requirement, his.  

He didn't make this decision because I am not neat, because I am.  In fact organization is an obsession with me from how my shoes are arranged to alphabetizing my spice cabinet. 

When I write I try to give my main character a trait I understand, one that can be annoying.  Because lets face it, when you fall in love with someone you don't always love everything that makes them who they are. We, each one of us have flaws, that without them would make us just a little bit different than who we are.  

Does Captain Kid understand my love of shoes?  No, but he accepts.  Why? Because he gets me and he loves me.  And in the grand scheme of things shoes aren't the worse habit I could have.  Besides, there is just something about do-me shoes that gets him every time.

So tell me, what's your thing?  That one thing that you do that may or may not irritate your significant other?  I promise I won't tell.


  1. Oh, only one things? Lol. I'm sure there's a lot of things (likewise for him!!!)

  2. Books. I recently attended a Library sale and landed SO many paperback books for almost nothing out of pocket. Seriously, the second day we went to the sale (told you I was addicted) we left with a huge cardboard box full for just $1.

    I cataloged them, alphebitized them and put them onto a shelf. Sometimes I just go in there and look at them. As I read them, I flip over their spines to keep track of what I've read.

    And, I just bought a few more online. My hubs is utterly confused. I have 150 new books. But I needed two more. (You understand, right?)

  3. I have a confession: I lack the shoe gene. For me, shoe shopping holds all the appeal of dental appointment. In the summer, I alternate between black slides and tan slides (with one pair of white dressier sandals for fancier occasions). In the winter, I go with whatever keeps my feet warm and dry.

    I do like to paint my toenails, though, so I'm pretty sure I'm a girl, in spite of my deplorable lack of shoe love. ;)

    My thing? Books, of course! Waaaay too many books.

  4. I, too, lack the shoe gene. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have more than my fair share of footwear, but my feet prefer to be bare. Yes, I have nudist toes! In fact, I am luck to be able to wear flip-flops to work, and I do...Every. Single. Day.

    For me, the gluttony is with books. I love them! I love the way they feel in my hands, the way they look on my shelves, the way they smell when you crack open a new one or even a very worn leatherbound volume. I just love them...and yes, I do own a kindle as well. Talk about obsession! :)

  5. Am I the only one who kinda wants to hear more about the shoes? Top three favorite pairs - name 'em. Go!


  6. My God, we really were separated at birth. I LUST for shoes. I can no longer afford the shoes I long to own. Last November, I tagged along on a ride to our local mall with my son and his girlfriend and aimlessly wandered the clearance rack where I stumbled upon THE SHOES... the ones I'd fallen in love a season before, but could not afford.

    Yes, I bought last year's $100 snakeskin pumps with the mid-heel for $35. Eep!

    As for obsessions, you already know mine. Chocolate.
