
Monday, July 26, 2010

Tweeters e-Book Club

Last week in a mid day conversation with a couple of my regular twitterati we stumbled across what I perceived to be a great idea.  We decided to form a Twitter e-book club. 

I have always wanted to be a part of a book club and became very excited about the prospect of this.  After some tweeting back and forth and emails flying across the country we decided as a group we would review one book a month.  Each of us taking turns in the selection process than posting a review of said books on our individual blogs with link backs to each others blogs.

I know exactly what you are thinking....that truly is brilliant. 

Now, maybe no one will care what we think of any one book, or this could become an international success.  I will be happy either way.

The first book we are going to review is, well its a surprise and you have to come back on August 19 to see what the book is and read the review.  I can tell you this, its a young adult novel and while this is not my normal genre of preferred reading I am looking forward to stepping outside my comfort zone.

Want to know who else is going to be playing?  Okay here they are in no particular order.  If you are not following them on twitter or checking out their blogs, do it now.  I have made it easy by providing the links below.

@cynthiareese is funny and talented and a self proclaimed bad cook and even worse housekeeper you can catch up with her on twitter or at her blog Writing Romance, Southern Style 
@abbymumford is a writer in training, like me and she is pretty funny too, she promises to make you laugh even if she has to tickle you.  You can catch up with her on twitter and over at her blog called My Mumblings, an attempt to be clear and be heard.

@ElizabethRyann is a writing, smarty pants dancer and shiny hair aficionado who can be found on twitter and at her blog simply called Elizabeth Ryann.  

@PattyBlount who is a technical writer, she loves her boys, books and lots of chocolate and not necessarily in that order.  You can get a dose of her here at her blog To Tell A Compelling Story  

Karla Nellenbach is the last to make up the twitterati.  She resides in the seventh circle of hell and is a self proclaimed corporate henchman by day and a writer of all things fiction by night.  You can find her on twitter @LastWord0524 and on her blog The Last Word

Check them out and make sure you keep checking back for our reviews.


  1. Yay! Very cool. I like that you kept the book a secret, makes it seem very mysterious.

  2. Woo hoo! I updated my blog links, too.

  3. i agree with elizabeth -- we are now a MYSTERIOUS e-book club. our cool factor has risen.

    (and then plummeted by that declaration).

    i am seriously psyched.

  4. Ladies:

    I know I can always count on you guys to come through and make your comments. This is totally gonna rock and I am looking forward to these discussion and know I am in great company.

    Thanks for reading.


  5. Alyson Peterson (Crazy Writer Girl)July 26, 2010 10:44 PM

    WHAT THE...? How come I wasn't invited? I guess it was all that haranguing about letting me read your novels. I am sorry... really, I am. I won't bother you anymore!

  6. The suspense is killing me! Which book? Huh? Which one??
