
Monday, July 19, 2010

Do Something Good

Today is my last day of vacation.

I have really enjoyed the last couple of days boating, floating, cooking out and generally being a social butterfly.

Unfortunately I have not spent a lot of time working on blog updates so today I am going to tell you about a couple of buddy blogs that you should check out.

If you mosey on over to Candyland's blog you are going to read about her contest, "I Heart Joy Like BR80."  She is over in Candyland raising money for an organization called Joy 2 the world.  You can check out their site by clicking here.  They work on empowering women and children through micro loans. 

Candy is a big believer in doing something good.  In fact that was one of the things that first attracted me to her blog.  She likes to give back and she has inspired me to do so as well, thanks Candy.  So go over and check it out.  Also if you are not following her on twitter you should be and I am offering up a quick link to make it easy, just click this.

Moving on to another buddy blog, my friend @writingagain (<---click to find him on twitter)  AKA Simon Larter, who is sponsoring a give away on his blog.  If nothing else, just go over and follow his blog because he is too funny.  But at the same time you may as well fill out an entry and take a chance on winning something.  I will keep my fingers crossed for you.  

His blog contest is based on having too much junk, er...stuff in his house and his wife has put her foot down and declared it time for him to get rid of some of his junk, er....(did I do that again?) respected reading materials.  So, stop what you are doing and go here to find his blog, Constant Revision.

Both of these contest are very different but worth checking out.  

I will be back tomorrow kicking some major blog butt.  Until then, if you know about a contest going on right now on one of your friends blogs drop me a comment so I can check it out.  

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