
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Writing Good Blog

Ok so you caught me.  I missed yesterday's post.  In my own defense...yeah, you're right I got nothing.  I was in bed by 5:15 pm yesterday because I fought with a pinched nerve in my neck all day and revived myself around 7:00pm, long enough to have a sandwich and catch Monday's episode of Castle that I had DVR'ed.  By 9:00 I was snug back in bed and didn't stir until this morning.  Now that you all feel properly sorry for me...

I have been aquainting myself with different bloggers and their styles.  I was not so much looking for a style as I was "researching" the different ways that people apply themselves to their own blogs.  What I found out is that not everyone has found their own voice yet.  At least in my humble opinion, or if they have I just don't hear it all that well. 

The really good blogs, well the ones I really like anyway taught me a few things.  What I learned here was, their creators really want to create.  A blog, like every other hobby or job or vocation or whatever you want to call it should be a passion.  I don't think you can write good blog if you don't have a passion for your subject.  For me, well, I am still looking. 

I don't really have a blog topic.  I pretty much write whatever the wind seems to blow my way that day.  Do they all get published.  Absolutely not!  Are they all true to how I am feeling that day?  Another no on that as well.  (See I am being honest here).  I have opinions, don't get me wrong,  But I think there is also a certain responsibility in blogging.  If I want to spew about a certain TV actor cheating on his wife (David, I was so dissapointed) I need to be aware that a certain black lash can occur.  Not everyone is going to feel the way I do.  Nobody was more surprised by that than I was.

So while I am still searching for the perfect little black dress for my blog I am going to continue in the hope that I find it soon.  Maybe a topic will develop from a new project or maybe this blog will become dedicated to one of my favorite hobbies, for which I truly do have a passion.  There is only a couple, writing, reading, cooking, boating, ok, so there is more than a couple.

In the meantime keep visiting and hopefully soon I will find something really prolific to say.  If not...well it's not like I didn't try.  Right?

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