
Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh, no I missed One

I have only recently started to write this blog.  In fact it is not even a week old yet.  So you can imagine how frantic I was yesterday when I neglected to update my blog.  Or maybe you can't.  I guess that is the whole point of blogging.  To invest something of yourself and send it out into the great cosmic void that is the internet to be digested and regurgitated by all who happen upon it.

When I started this blog I made a promise to myself that I would do it everyday.  I felt that committing to it was very important, or at least according to every self help blog topic I could find.  The problem with that is maybe, just maybe, I am putting a little too much pressure on myself to keep a commitment that may or may not be witnessed by whomever deigns to read it.  So after a lot of meditation on the subject (actually I just right this minute decided this) I am only going to hold myself accountable for five blogs a week.  I am going to aim to update Monday through Friday giving myself a mental blog break on the weekends, but if for whatever reason I can't update during the week I can make it up on Saturday or Sunday if absolutely necessary.  Sort of like a little safety net.  So of course this means I have to write one this weekend but I am hoping inspiration will strike or at the very least knock me up-side my head.

I am not sure that I truly understand the power of the blog nor do I know if this is a medium that I will want to partake of for years to come.  What I do know is that I kind of like the idea of sending random thoughts and ideas out there for public consumption and hope that this process will help me actually apply myself to getting all of the ideas I have running around in my head down for posterity along with cultivating my "voice".  

Lets see how I do, shall we?

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