
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Show it.

I want it now.

I am so psyched for this movie to come out.  

Very rarely do the hubs and I go to the movies to actually see them.  We normally wait for them to come out on Netflix.  Mainly because I hate to be disappointed.  

But this one.

I'm not waiting. 

I will be in line the day it comes out.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ceilings are totally over-rated

Life looks pretty good from the front of a convertible two-seater.

Not familiar with what I am talking about?

Let me show you.

I have had Sheldon since July.  This years birthday present.  You're right, I am a special girl.

Anyway, what I have learned since I started driving a convertible is that I had no idea what I really wanted to begin with.  And by that I mean... a convertible.

I have already logged over sixty hours with the top down.  Any chance I get, that top goes down.  I have never enjoyed driving to and from work as much as I do now.

It's not just the commute to work, its all the other drives I get to make as well.

For example last week we had a girls night.  Yes, that was lovely.  But even more so, the drive home was AMAZING.  I had the setting sun to my back as I traveled west from Spanish Fort.  The rainbow of pinks, purples and blues had me catching my breath and looking back quite often.

There is something poetic if you will, traveling in the dark with nothing over your head but night sky.   Night sky and a sparkling new moon.  It was literally the easiest hour I spent the entire week.  It's also amazing to me how the sky looks different each and every day.  No two days have been alike since I started driving a convertible.  How is it I never noticed it before?  

Yeah, I don't know either, but one thing I am sure of.  I will always drive a convertible.  


Monday, September 16, 2013

Speed of Light


Just when I think I have a handle on this blogging thing, it becomes apparent quite quickly that I don't.  If for some reason I don't get all of my posts for the week written on the weekend I can just forget about it.

In a nut shell...I'm screwed.

The new job has me so crazy busy (which I totally love) but it leaves no time for me to try and come up with new blog ideas.

Add to the fact that I am doing school and still trying to squeeze some writing time in.  Well, you get the picture.

So here I am sitting on the couch.  It's Friday.  Not whatever day I selected to post this and I am contemplating what to do with my weekend.

Hubs is on call.  AKA On my own.  Which I'm okay with.  Actually better than okay with as we don't need to live up each other's...well you get the picture.

I have enough work to keep me busy around the house, but I am hoping I get some pool time in.  Since this summer started I have neglected the pool and even worse, we have neglected the boat.  I am truly ashamed.  We have all these wonderful things to avail ourselves of, and no time what so ever to do so. Here's hoping that I don't miss the holidays this year because I am too tired to get anything done.

Speaking of holidays...who's looking forward to some cooler weather?  Me!  I have already starting planning my decorations for Halloween.  I promise I will post pictures.